VizHub 3 is now live at!
This version has a Premium tier that offers
- Private Vizzes
- Unlimited Real-time Collaborators
- AI Assisted Coding
The code editor for VizHub 3 is called VZCode and is completely open source. It was developed in collaboration with students at Rensselear Polytechnic Institute as part of the RCOS program.
Deleting index.html
opens up a whole new world where hot reloading is supported. In these vizzes, you can:
- Use CTRL+S or Shift+Enter to manually run and Prettify the code
- Use Alt+Drag on a number to interactively change it
- Use Alt+Click on a color hex code to get a color picker
Here’s an example that demonstrates this new runtime environment:
All changes are synchronized in real time to remote collaborators, and hot reloading across clients works!
As this is a complete rewrite of the platform, there are bound to be usability issues that pop up. Please let us know what you think of the new version! Feel free to respond here or in Discord with any issues or problems you experience. Thanks!
See also: