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Fork of ANY JSON tree (DRAFT)

Arefa Patwary

Last edited Apr 04, 2022
Created on Apr 04, 2022

Aim: Display ANY JSON as a selectable tree.

The idea is to be able to use d3 as a JSON-explorer / picker.

Version 1.0 using the code from World Countries Tree from Curran

Other Possible GUIs


Probably the d3.tree is what we want to use ...

1. Restructure the data into hierarchical JSON format

The JSON format expected by a d3 tree

See function hierarchify in


Alternative ideas:

var input = [
    { "dep": "d1", "name": "name1", "size": "size1" },
    { "dep": "d1", "name": "name2", "size": "size2" },
    { "dep": "d2", "name": "name1", "size": "size3" },
    { "dep": "d2", "name": "name1", "size": "size4" }

var output = {
  "name": "root",
  "children": d3.groups(input, d => d.dep).map(([k, vs]) => ({ "name": k, "children": vs }))

2. Present the hierarchical JSON as a tree

3. Make the hierarchie interactive

4. Clicking a node should return the JSONPath to that node.

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