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Buggy US Daily COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard with Doughnuts

Peter VanNostrand

Last edited Nov 09, 2021
Created on Oct 27, 2021

A dashboar showing COVID-19 Vaccination doses administered in the United States. The lower bar chart is the daily number of doses administered in the state selected by the dropdown. The map shows the number of daily doses administered in every state as of the latest data. By brushing the bottom barchart you can select the date for the map to visualize, with the circles representing the number of doses administered in each state on the date at the end of the selected date range.

This chart has been revised to have non-overlapping circles and to convert the circles to doughnut charts. Each doughnut consists of two arc elements and an outer circle. The inner arc in blue is the percentage of state residents fully vaccinated, while the outer arc in green represents the percentage of COVID-19 vaccine doses used.

Data Source: US Vaccination Data by State/Territory

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