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Interactive Visualization (Brush) - Earthquake Data

Junying Li

Last edited Oct 24, 2021
Created on Oct 23, 2021

Data: https://gist.github.com/Junying-Li/72ef4641efd6b4abf371f5d9f4267a56

What's new?

  1. Added scatter plot.
  2. Added brush (select year).
  3. Added legend for world map.
  4. Added tooltips for world map.


Bar plot:

X-axis: region that earthquake occured.

Y-axis: Deaths in earthquake.

World map:

Circle: positions where earthquake occured.

Radius: richter of earthquake.

Scatter plot:

X-axis: year.

Y-axis: richter of earthquake.

Radius: deaths of earthquake.

The bar plot shows the deaths caused by earchquakes in mutiple regions in different period of 19 century. The world map shows the positions where earthquakes occured and how strong they were (richter scale). The scatter plot shows richter and deaths of earthquakes in different years.

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