Chicago Cubs Stats from 1874-2016
The data can be found at Data World: Chicago Cubs Yearly Results
Data Description: Data on Chicago cubs yearly baseball stats. This data contains information about the number of wins, losses and GB for each of the seasons.
Questions/Related Tasks:
What is the most common place the cubs take? For the years that the Cubs were 1st how many total number of games did they win? Overtime ( as the rules of baseball have changed in the number of games played per season)-- would need to add total games per season column, what is the ratio of wins, has it increased? How has the attendence compared to thier winning/lose ratio? Has the GB(games behind) gap gotten bigger over time in comparion to their place in the league? ( looking at their place and the number of games behind in some sort of ratio for how many GB== place equivalent?)
Attributes most interesting to me:
For me the most interesting is their place in the legaue and their win/loss ratio ( which would be created if I used this dataset/in the code) this would be a quantitative type.