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Fork of AirBNB Price Prediction Viz - Sham

Rahmoon Shamdeed Kabir

Last edited May 09, 2024
Created on May 09, 2024

This project aims to visualize an AirBNB pricing prediction model. We aim to do this by filling out the states we have predictions for in green. When a state is clicked it is supposed to zoom into another geojson map that shows the city with listing on it. From this data we want to see where pricings for listings are generally jacked up (touristy sites, downtown, etc.) we observe the data by analyzing clusters or patterns.

Things that need to be implemented/are missing currently:

  • popping out city maps: for this to work for now, user would have to double click or go down the page.
  • fixing zooming transition for states that have predictions: the zooming transition gets overriden when another map is being popped out
  • adding a tooltip to city map to see listing type and pricing
  • marking listings in specific colors so that it is easier to see pricings that are higher or lower than the predictions
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