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Female v. Military by Region

Rudy Shayganfar

Last edited Oct 03, 2020
Created on Oct 03, 2020

This chart was made using Stylized Scatter Plot as a base and modified based on CS573 Week 5 videos. New data was then ported from the International Cabinets dataset - reduced to only include country, female ratio, military ratio, retention and government. Color coding was added using the Penguins! chart as a model.

The chart plots the female ratio against the military ratio of governmental cabinets of countries based on region. The ratios are taken as the 11-year average for each country for the years 2006-2016. Countries that experienced regime/system change during the 11-year window are excluded from the dataset.

The chart was designed to investigate the question "How does the ratio of females in cabinets relate to the ratio of military personal in cabinets in different regions?" Africa stands out as a region that has significant military presence in combination with female presence in government cabinets. Asia & Pacific and the Middle East stand out as having significant military presence with low female presence in government cabinets. Europe stands out as having the highest level of female involvement.

The data is a subset WhoGov's International Cabinets dataset. The dataset contains information about more than 50,000 cabinet members from 177 countries, spanning July 1966 - July 2016. There is a separate entry for each cabinet member, from each country, for each year. Each entry contains information such as party affiliation, gender, age and military affiliation.

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