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Fork of Video Game Publishers by Genre


Last edited Mar 23, 2023
Created on Mar 23, 2023

Count of video games released by genre over time.

An exploration of the Video Game Sales Dataset prepared by Daniel Ribaudo, originally visualized in Interaction Fork of History of Video Games by Genre.

This graph contains small multiples of scatterplots of mean vs variance in the global sales of various publishers per genre.

I was wondering whether or not developers have had more or less consistent success when releasing games of various genres (i.e. Treyarch's Call of Duty series).

One of the main issues with this was outliers in the variance, which obscured patterns in the data. To remedy this, I found the mean and variance of the variances, and then used the z-score corresponding to 75% as a filter cutoff.

Hover over a dot to see which company it is (though of course, this is very hard to do in clusters).

Uses Observable Plot with vanilla HTML.

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