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Electric Bar Chart Before Stack Refactoring

Peter Cordone

Last edited Sep 29, 2021
Created on Sep 28, 2021

A bar chart visualization of my personal electricity consumption dataset. I live in a three family structure and occupy two floors. There is also a common account that supplies the front and back hall lighting as well as the basement and exterrior outlets. It covers a period of two years.

I forked https://vizhub.com/RED98310/a3ea8fbec4b64423a7797a418de4af57?edit=files and stated with that code.

I made the following changes from the one last week

  1. Change the y axis label to be along the axis and vertical instead of horizontal and at the top to make room for the title.
  2. Chnaged the colors to green and blue. I thought they were less jarring.
  3. Change the hover over color from yellow to grey. The yellow was not showing well against the white background.
  4. Changed the bar colors from green and red to green and blue. I thought the red was somewhat jarring and had more luminance than the blue.

Unfortunately, I deleted the graph that I started with as part of cleaning up my profile then realized I should have kept it and forked from it per the instructions of the assignmnet. I believe I have captured all the changes.

This is the chart before I changed it to use d3.stack

version 1.2

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