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AI Global Index (Top 5 Countries)


Last edited Sep 10, 2024
Created on Sep 08, 2024
Forked from D3 Transitions


This transition chart was modeled on Prof. Curran's solar system size and distance chart. It displays the top 5 countries ranked according to the AI Global Index (2023), the first index to benchmark nations on their level of investment, innovation and implementation of artificial intelligence.


Talent, Infrastructure and Operating Environment are the factors of AI Implementation group of indicators, which represents the application of artificial intelligence by professionals in various sectors, such as businesses, governments, and communities.

  • Talent: scores based on the availability of skilled practitioners for the provision of artificial intelligence solutions
  • Infrastructure: scores based on the reliability and scale of access infrastructure, from electricity and internet, to super computing capabilities.
  • Operating Environment: scores based on the regulatory context, and public opinion surrounding artificial intelligence.

Research and Development are the factors of Innovation group of indicators, which reflects the progress made in technology and methodology, which signify the potential for artificial intelligence to evolve and improve.

  • Research: scores based on the extent of specialist research and researchers; investigating the amount of publications and citations in credible academic journals.
  • Development: scores based on the development of fundamental platforms and algorithms upon which innovative artificial intelligence projects rely.

Government Strategy and Commercial are the factors of Investment group of indicators, which reflects financial and procedural commitments to artificial intelligence.

  • Government Strategy: scores based on the depth of commitment from national government to artificial intelligence; investigating spending commitments and national strategies.
  • Commercial indicator: scores on the level of startup activity, investment and business initiatives based on artificial intelligence.

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