This Graph visualizes the unemployment rates across various
states in the United States using a bar chart. Each bar
represents a state's unemployment rate, with the color
intensity indicating the rate—darker shades represent higher
unemployment rates.
Bar Chart:
- Displays unemployment rates for selected U.S. states.
- Bars are color-coded using a sequential blue scale,
where darker shades represent higher unemployment rates.
- Bars have rounded corners and a shadow effect for a
polished look.
Dynamic Tooltip:
- Displays the state name and unemployment rate when
hovering over a bar.
- Includes a vertical color scale legend on the right to
visually connect unemployment rates to the color coding.
- Styled with a gradient and clear percentage labels.
- X-axis represents state names and includes a label.
- Y-axis represents unemployment rates (%) with gridlines
for better readability.
Chart Title:
- A centered title above the chart provides context for
the visualization.