This project is a D3.js-based interactive pie chart visualization, showcasing the proportion of unemployment across various U.S. states. It leverages dynamic data filtering, interactive elements, and animations to create an engaging user experience.
Features Dynamic Data Representation
Visualizes the unemployment percentage for up to 30 states using a pie chart. Automatically calculates the proportion of each state based on total unemployment. Interactivity
Slice Hover Interaction: Hovering over a slice displays the state name, unemployment percentage, and value in a tooltip. Slices expand slightly when hovered over for better visibility. Legend Interaction: Hovering over a legend item highlights the corresponding slice in the chart. Clicking a legend item filters data dynamically by region. Click Interaction: Clicking a slice updates the chart with the selected state displayed prominently. Animations
Smooth transitions for slice expansion and retraction on hover. Gradual updates to the pie chart during data filtering.