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Upload food nutrition data

Ming Liu

Last edited Sep 29, 2021
Created on Sep 08, 2021

Foundation food nutrition

This data is about nutrition in foundation food that recently acquired (by 2020).
Foods whose nutrient and food component values are derived primarily by chemical analysis.

Original data is from US Department of Agriculture, published in April 2021. I have filtered data on foundation food only and acquiring date by 2020

Variables of interest:

Name Type Description
Description categorical Food description
name categorical Nutrition name
amount quantitative Amount of the nutrient per 100g of food.
unit_name categorical The standard unit of measure for the nutrient (per 100g of food)

Possible questions:

  • In a specific nutrition category, say Zinc, what foods contains the most Zinc and what foods contains the least.
  • Look at different categories that important to human bodies, such as Zinc, fiber, vitamin, etc.. and answer question 1.

*This is a part of week 2 assignment: Load Your Data

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