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Upload tobacco control data

Ming Liu

Last edited Sep 29, 2021
Created on Sep 08, 2021
Forked from Upload Yelp data

MPOWER tobacco control data overview

This data is about tabacoo control overview for all countries reported by MPOWER.
M: monitor tobacco use and prevention policies;
P: protect people from tobacco smoke;
O: offer help to quit tobacco smoking;
W: warn about the dangers of tobacco;
E: enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship;
R: raise taxes on tobacco.

Original resource is WHO Global Health Observatory data repository, and I have uploaded it to a gist link on Github.

Variables of interest:

Name Type Description
Country categorical Country name
Year ordinal Year
Monitor ordinal Tabacco control type
Protect from tobacco smoke ordinal Tabacco control type
Offer help to quit tobacco use ordinal Tabacco control type
Warn about the dangers of tobacco ordinal Tabacco control type
Enforce bans on tobacco advertising ordinal Tabacco control type
Raise taxes on tobacco ordinal Tabacco control type
Anti-tobacco mass media campaigns ordinal Tabacco control type

For all ordinal variables (except 'Year'), a higher number means a stronger control of tobacco.

Possible questions:

  • Overall trends for all countries (or areas) from 2007 to 2018, in each type of control.
  • In 2018, which countries have stronger and which have weaker tabacco control, in each type of control?
  • Which type of tobacco control that people would most likely to do? Which is the less likely to do?

*This is a part of week 2 assignment: Load Your Data

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