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Android App User Review Metrics


Last edited Sep 08, 2024
Created on Aug 30, 2024

The Android Apps and User Feedback - User Feedback Dataset, loaded and parsed as CSV.


  • Understand the distribution of the average_rating. Is this really a 0-5 rating, or is it concentrated around some number with a very small varience?
  • See if there is a correlation between average_rating and Update/Version - in other words, do you usually see ratings increase or decrase with updates
  • See if there is a correlation between average_rating and total_reviews - in other words, are more freqently reviewed applciations receive higher or lower ratings
  • See if having higher percentages of problems (% problem discoveries") leads to higher or lower ratings
  • There was another dataset from the same link that talked about code quality in android the same applicatins. I would like to see if there is a correlation between code quality and average_rating
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