My iteration of me original scatterplot using the UN Intentional Homicide dataset.
It isn't perfect, I still haven't figured out how to make the country names more clear,
Based on the comment from a classmate: "Hello Lilly-beth, I was looking through your scatterplots and found the first one about homicide rates to be particularly interesting. I think if you decide to keep that viz as a scatterplot for your final project, an interesting iteration would be to highlight the outliers (perhaps display the name of the country, and the homicide count by gender for each). I noticed that there is a rather extreme outlier in 2003 and I would be interested in knowing which country that was. From there it would be interesting to see why it became such an outlier that year (if there was a war going on, or something)."
const voronoi = d3.Delaunay .from(data, d => x(d.Year), d => y(d.Value)) .voronoi([margin.left,, width - margin.right, height - margin.bottom]); // ensures voronoi is limited to the chart area
.attr("class", "voronoiWrapper")
.attr("opacity", 0.5)
.attr("stroke", "#ff1493") // Hide overlay
.attr("fill", "none")
.style("pointer-events", "all")
.attr("d", (d,i) => voronoi.renderCell(i))
.on("mouseover", (d, i) => {
if (d.y > 1) {
.attr("class", "tooltip")
.attr("transform", translate(${y(d.y)})
.call(popover, Country Name: ${d.x.toLocaleString(undefined, {Sex: "short", Crime: "numeric", year: "numeric"})} ${d.Country}
.on("mouseout", () => svg.selectAll('.tooltip').remove());