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Major U.S. Destination Airports

Josvin John

Last edited Oct 15, 2020
Created on Oct 14, 2020

The data shown here comes from Flight Delay Analysis Dataset

This chart meant to show the "Major U.S. Airports by Destination". The color saturation denotes the number of flights to that destination.

I used the U.S. Geo Map of State Boundaries for the underlying map.

Adapted from Fatal Police Shootings Mapped Across the U.S. & Mass School District Boundaries from the Data Visualization class.

The intent of this graph is to map each flight to it's destination location(within the U.S.) with a semitransparent circle to show darker regions as the airports with higher flight density.

An additional feature that could be added to this chart is the zooming functionality to show the major airports of those states/cities. Also, the values could be shown on a tooltip when you hover over those data points.

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