Who is using VizHub?

This is a Google Analytics view of the past 90 days. The main thing is that a lot of countries light up on the map. This is amazing! But I have no idea who these users are and I want to get to know them.

I wonder who is using VizHub in Singapore? Does anyone know?

In general I really want to know

  • How are you using VizHub?
  • Why did you start using VizHub?
  • How did you find VizHub?
  • If you could see 1 improvement what would it be and why?

I want to gather feedback as I’m working on the next generation of VizHub. Thanks!

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I want to use it but am getting past the whole new learning curve at this stage, learned php about 15 years ago and built an extensive web site with many admin features and graphs using bluff. 61 now and other things are driving me. But I have a challenging project I’d like help with, a sunburst or icicle that had a mini web page on each tile (or came up in the middle) with some text and a voting interface with all the data in a DB, so you could vote on trending and or important items and see the hierarchy as it evolves with maybe 25 voting tokens per voter per month and the option to add a question. that’s what I’d be using VisHub for.

Very interesting… Thanks for sharing!

I have been thinking about ways to introduce persistence into VizHub. Meaning the ability to save data and change data and have those changes persist. Currently VizHub only really supports client-side-only apps, unless you bring your own API calls, which would work as well.

In order to support secure use of things like API keys or database credentials, I have also been looking into adding support for “secrets” in VizHub, where the secrets can be managed and exposed only where necessary at runtime.

Thanks for sharing where you are at! I’m always interested in learning what draws people to VizHub and ways that it could be improved.