VizHub Usecases

Greetings! I’m doing research into who is using VizHub and I’d like to ask for your help.

If you’re open to sharing, please introduce yourself here and mention what sort of work you do and how VizHub helps you with that. I’m looking to figure out what improvements to make to VizHub to make it better and more useful.

Some ideas I’m actively working on include:

  • A better code editor with multiple tabs
  • A runtime environment that supports hot reloading and interactive widgets
  • AI-Assisted coding
  • Organization accounts
  • Folders with advanced access control
  • In-platform meetings for smooth collaboration
  • Deployments of Vizzes to custom URLs

I want to know what ideas resonate with you. Many thanks!

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Hi All. I’m Hails, I’m a software engineer, and I build web tools. For example, here’s a calculator that lets you see your budget in terms of your time (ex: at your current pay rate, how long does it take for you to pay your mortgage?).

I’m at the beginning steps of data visualization. I use VizHub because it’s a convenient tool to use D3 and React without needing to setup my own backend.

From the list above, the item that is most compelling to me is the Deployments of Vizzes to custom URLs.

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