VizHub Updates December 2021


This month has seen several changes to VizHub:

  • There is no longer any paid plan. VizHub is free to use, including unlimited private vizzes, for now. A paid plan may return in the future.
  • VizHub has been released as open source:

  • The marketing header was removed from the home page, to simplify the site and let the content speak for itself. It’s still possible to get into the “create viz” page by logging in and then clicking “create viz”.
  • On the home page and profile page, the max width was changed so that the content fills the page. This allows you to see many more vizzes at once.

  • The “Feedback” link on the right side was removed, because it’s redundant with the “Forum” link in the nav bar. This is just to simplify the UI of the site.

Now that VizHub is open source, I encourage folks to suggest improvements and even consider contributing to the project! I hope to keep making small low-hanging-fruit improvements here and there, and eventually tackly larger new features like collections and comments.

All the best!