VizHub 3 Private Beta Program


I just want to let everyone know I’ll be deploying the re-write of VizHub soon. If anyone is interested in trying it out, please sign up for the private beta program here: Cheers! Hope you all are doing great out there!

Also, any interest in a new series? I’m thinking of starting something similar to Get it Right in Black and White, that was a lot of fun.

If anyone has ideas for making VizHub better, please let me know! I have tons of ideas but I want to hear from you.

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And by the way, this VZCode open source project is the new VizHub editor.

It’s coming along quite well! It has multiplayer mode and auto-saves to the file system.

I just open sourced what I plan to make the core piece of the VizHub 3 runtime environment:

This supports hot reloading in the editor environment, and also encourages development of modules that can be easily wrapped as components in various frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte.

Feedback welcome!

This beta testing program is happening soon! I hope to start it this month (November 2023).

If you’re interested in participating, please join the Discord server and introduce yourself.

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