I have a broken viz that needs deletion

@curran I was modifying some code last night and my viz got stuck in a state where I can no longer go into the viz to delete it. When it happened, it froze my browser, and all of chrome. I tried to go back into the viz when I reloaded chrome and the same thing has happened. There doesn’t seem to be a way for me to delete the viz from my profile unless I go into the the actual viz - which brings back that same issue. I need some help please.

Got it! Try adding #recover to the end of the URL and see if that lets it load to the point where you can delete it. This enters “recovery mode” for situations exactly like this. We should make this easier to discover. Any ideas? Maybe we could try to detect when this sort of freezing happens, and automatically go into recover mode.

awesome! thanks.

in the “emergency”, I was looking for a hover option to delete the viz - from the public or profile listings of viz’s.

another idea is to have a toggle on live reload - the issue with my viz started when I was modifying a for loop

Those are excellent ideas! I’m working on a redesign of VizHub and will take these into consideration.

Also I recently set up a Discord server for VizHub, you are most welcome to join there!


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