"Export" doesnt seems to be working

Hi there, when i try to export my code clicking at the “export” button un Crome a new tab is opened and only this is shown


Must be at bug right .

Best wishes Lars

Hi Lars @larsboergo , thank you for your report.
Could you please provide a link to your viz, so that we can investigate whats going on?

Oh no! Thanks for reporting. I can reproduce it. It seems to happen on all vizzes. I’m seeing it on this one.


@larsboergo I just deployed a fix. Sorry about the breakage and thanks for reporting!

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Hi Curran . Thats great now its working - you are such a Viz :slight_smile:

  • and by the way, Thanx for sharing your videoes on D3 - you are awesome ***


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Yea should have provided a link - sorry but i see Curran has fixed it


Thanks @larsboergo! Happy to hear you have benefited from my videos and are enjoying VizHub. All the best!