Episode 9: Reusable Charts


Exercise options:

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Hey @curran here is my exercise for this class.

PS: I donā€™t know why but the thumbnails are not loading for my projects.

Haha very nice!

Iā€™m working on restoring the thumbnail generation service. It went down.

Reusable Scatter Plot Exercise with new data (COVID-19 US), labels, and date scale https://vizhub.com/Dasbach/bc058833716b4f23b5b34117ce3fe43f?edit=files&file=scatterPlot.js

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Amazing! Very nice work @Dasbach . Thank you for sharing.

@curran thanks! I really like the reusable chart foundation for learning. Looking forward to tomorrowā€™s session.

Do we have class today (15/5)?
Iā€™m here, but it seems I missed something. The youtube says 22/5.

Not today. I posted in the Meetup page https://www.meetup.com/D3-Online/events/lkmdgsycchbtb/ and marked today as cancelled. I got my second Covid vaccine yesterday so cancelled in anticipation of feeling lousy.

Apologies that the notice did not reach you. I will try to be more clear about cancellations in future - maybe I could post in the index here in the forum, or also mention it in the upcoming stream description.

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@curran no problem. I never got used to Meetup. I canā€™t understand it. LoL, yes, I feel old when this happens! When I canā€™t grasp the technology.

I just went there, and couldnā€™t find where to ā€˜attendā€™ to the Meetup event.

But Iā€™m glad you got your vacine, I have no clue when it will be available to me here in Brazil.

See you next week.

:wave: Hello there. In this episode of reusable charts, Function objects were a little confusing to me. I did some research and found this material which cleared the doubts. Happy to share in the forum.
mdn link,short video


Thanks very useful. :slight_smile:

Hello here is my exercise for this week:

I forked the ā€œReusable D3 Scatter Plotā€ and modified it. I used the EU population data from my last weekā€™s scatter plot and added axis labels. I am now displaying each countryā€™s name as a tooltip.

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Very nice work combining the various elements!

Created a visualization of historical data (snodgrass) https://vizhub.com/bvpelt/62f9172b9208400c9779702c4a450973?edit=files&file=index.js

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Interesting visualization! I have never created something like this before. Very nice work! Are there many example of this visualization type you know of? What can it be used for?

By the way if you place the link on its own line here in the forum, it unfurls and shows a preview image like this: