Data upload not available?

I am getting into D3 and got enthusiatic about vizhub. Like to make use of my own data but can’t find the “data upload” fuction in the menu.
Can someone give me a hint? Is it possible that I am not using version 2.0 or is that function not available for the free version?
THX and greetings, Josef

Hi Josef,

Unfortunately there is not yet a feature in VizHub dedicated to data upload. This is definitely on the roadmap for the future.

In the mean time, if the data is small, you can paste it into a file in VizHub. This is not ideal, though, because if a viz is more than 2MB it cannot be forked.

Typically, data is hosted in GitHub Gist and loaded into VizHub via an HTTP request. I do realize, however, that this is not acceptable for private data that needs to be secured.

Another idea is to host the data on Amazon S3, and load it into a private viz. That way no one could find out the URL unless they have access to your viz.

Thanks for dropping this note, as it’s useful to help prioritize the data upload feature set!

All the best,

Hi Curran,
Thanks a lot for your reply. I am not a professional developer but an enthusiatic hobbyist climbing the d3 learning curve. Was not sure whether it was just my ignorance of overseeing something. For the time being GitHub Gist will be OK. Nothing to secure yet. That may change in tje future. I just wanterd to let you kow, your tutorials are great. Thank you so much.
With greetings, Josef

Very nice! Thank you for the note. Welcome to this community. Wishing you well as you climb the d3 learning curve.