Attempted import error: 'vl' is not exported from 'vega-lite-api'

Hi . I really appreciate all the tutorials available and I was following one on vega-lite-api and react.


I was getting an error after importing the vega-lite-api and using it.

Attempted import error: ‘vl’ is not exported from ‘vega-lite-api’.

In your code I saw some bundle.js which I did not understand why that was needed. I have been desperately wanting to analyze some data with the learning so far but stuck because of this error. Any help will be very much appreciated



Are you working inside VizHub or outside of VizHub?

I believe vega-lite-api only uses the default export, so it would need to be

import vl from 'vega-lite-api';


import { vl } from 'vega-lite-api';

If you’re working outisde VizHub, the imports depend on what build tools you are using.

I am working outside vizhub and trying to us this in a standard react app. I am doing npm - install and the packages are getting installed to the node module folder.

I have tried import vl from ‘vega-lite-api’; but that also gives me error.

Attempted import error: ‘vega-lite-api’ does not contain a default export (imported as ‘vl’).

I am bit new to react so still trying to figure out what the issue is. In one of your videos you talked about rollup and bundle.js which I believe might have some role but could not understand the purpose of it clearly.

thank you

Got it. I investigated a bit. I ran:

create-react-app vl-test
cd vl-test/
npm install -S vega-lite-api
npm start

I added the following to App.js:

import vl from 'vega-lite-api';


I was able to reproduce the error “Attempted import error: ‘vega-lite-api’ does not contain a default export (imported as ‘vl’).”

This worked:

import * as vl from 'vega-lite-api';


This issue stumped me for last 3-4 days. I should be able to move forward now. Thank you so much!

Fantastic! Happy to hear it’s working for you.