Art Anyone? Looking for friends to make fun art with

Hi Guys! I have really enjoyed Curran’s work here, it has opened a whole new world to me and I’m having tons of fun!

Unfortunately life has been busy and I haven’t had enough time to practice Dataviz lately, and I find myself at a plateau.

I ran across curran’s viz:

so obviously I looked at the forks and made some of my own!

I make alot of electronic music, and this reminds me of the graphics you find on popular mixes and venues, etc. One example can be seen here:

Anyone interested in making some generated art?!? I’d love to have more coding friends.



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Yesss!!! Art!!!

@Nita has some great art pieces

I took a stab at some art recently as well:

YES OKAY! I love Nina’s work. That would be fun!

We’re playing all the clubs in San Francisco. If we can have some custom visuals that would be SWEET! Put Vizhubs label on it too!

For sure! For clubs, there is an interesting API for getting live audio feeds into the browser and doing things based on a Fourier analysis. That would be sweet to unlock!

More artsy stuff:

Sooooooooooooooo cool!

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Nice piece by @yiorgosb

New art pieces by @Nita

Sweet!!! I had to table this project until this month. Back on it now!! THANKS

That random Square shapes is absolutely the kind of thing I was thinking of.

Curran, this is FIREEEEE:

Hey Curran!!! I think you are so cool. Vizhub and this forum have provided me with opportunities to learn and grow like I did not think I could. Thank you!!!

Are you familiar with Super Collider?!?! It’s SO COOL! You can code music into existence. I was shown this recently, and immediately I thought of you. I bet there’s some talent here who could make some really cool stuff.

Here’s the tutorial I will be using:

It’s SO COOL!!!

That’s amazing to hear! I’m thrilled! Would you mind if I used that quote as a testimonial?

Super Collider is awesome. It’s really old and mature interestingly. I remember hearing about it circa 2006 or so I think. I never got into it, but it seems very powerful!

There are JavaScript-based things that may be similar, which would work in VizHub. For example

It would be fund to try a proof of concept by taking some code from one of their demos and dropping it into VizHub, to see if it works.

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