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Magnitude vs Depth

Varun Eranki

Last edited Nov 02, 2020
Created on Oct 30, 2020

A scatterplot showing Depth vs Magnitude for earthquakes across all continents since 1965 (a realization of my third sketch). The Significant Earthquakes from 1965 dataset has been used for this visualization. This dataset contains information of earthquakes all over the world that took place from 1965. Dataset obtained from Kaggle.

The Dropdown menus on the top allows to select any particular range of both the attributes - Depth and Magnitude. This might be helpful to study earthquakes in a particular region and depth-range/magnitude-range. Upon hovering onto any data point on the plot, information regarding Country Name, Date of when the earthquake has occurred, its Magnitude and its Depth can be seen.

Initially, I thought of including the Horizontal Distance on X-axis and indicate Magnitude by Luminance. But this did not come out well as 99% of all the data points have the same value for Horizontal Distance. Hence, I changed path and cam up with this plot to better understand the relationship between these two features.

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