
Loading and Parsing CSV Data for Bee Colony Loss Data


Last edited Sep 19, 2019
Created on Sep 05, 2019

A program that loads and parses some CSV data. The data description, supporting questions, and note of interesting attributes include:

Data (data size, number of rows, and number of columns) about bee colony loss information

Data at: Bee Colony Loss.csv, originally from: Data World file Bee Colony Loss.xlsx

Appropriate questions: How does the number of beekeepers in a state relate to the number of bee colonies? Do particular states attract more bee colonies? Do particular states attract more bee keepers? is there a correlation between location (latitude, longitude: based on state) and the annual bee loss? Is there a correlation between the number of beekeepers vs number of bees and the annual loss across states?

Interesting attributes: The total annual loss is interesting as a percentage of the colonies within the state during a year that were lost. The percentage of colonies exclusive to the state is interesting in that it presumes migration of bees over time.

The data is located at the following link: The raw data link is:

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