Book Publishing Dataset
This visualization is a summary of the Book Publishing Dataset. There are over 1000 different books and 14 different attributes in the dataset. This data is being used for my CS 573 Project Proposal.
Orginally Source of Dataset (
List of Attributes:
- Publishing Year: Ordinal
- Book Name: Categorical
- Author: Categorical
- Language: Categorical
- Author Rating: Quantitative
- Book Average Rating: Quantitative
- Book Rating: Quantitative
- Genre: Categorical
- Grosss Sales: Quantitative
- Publisher Revenue: Quantitative
- Sales Price: Quantitative
- Sales Rank: Ordinal
- Publisher: Quantitative
- Unit Sold: Quantitative
- Is there any correlation between an author's rating and the number of units sold?
- Are books more likely to be bought if they are published by certain publishers?
(Within some extra data)
- Do prestigious literary awards result in larger sales?
- Which countries have produced the most influential authors?
- How have our cultural taste in literature changed over time?
I would need more data if I were to go with and answer some of these questions/tasks. I have already found a much more extensive book database that would certainly help; however, it is much greater than 5 mBs. I could possibly tried to reduce it down. In the meantime, this database works as a proposal for the project.