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Ratio of Launches


Last edited Sep 26, 2020
Created on Sep 21, 2020

The data shown here comes from Privatization of Space.

This is a visualization of my sketch#3, which aims to create a bar graph showing that for each country, what's the ratio of state launches and private launches.

Lessons learned: I've spent days trying to generate this simple graph, and I've had my frustrations where at one point I almost gave up. The one most important thing I learned is I have to try different ways instead of hanging on to one. Another thing is instead of making it super difficult than it originally is(for instance use another language or tools then deal with compatability issues), try to keep things neat and simple, try different ways using only one language first, if all possible ways won't work then maybe switch to another. But in all, good thing is I learned more about Javascript even though I didn't use it in the end, but I guess maybe one day they'll come in handy. ;)

Problems: I still haven't figured out what went wrong with using global variables(defined in getData.js) in viz.js. Even though I didn't use this way this time I decided to try to solve it in the future.

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