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Loading and Parsing TopTMBD.csv


Last edited Sep 28, 2021
Created on Sep 07, 2021

A program that loads and parses some [CSV] about the Top 5000 Movies on TMDB.

Authored by: Tyler Reiser

Link to original Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/tmdb/tmdb-movie-metadata

Link to Gist: https://gist.github.com/T-Reiser/1118aa906c506aa00095288bfc8e854d

Rehash of Gist README.md:


  • Budget is Quantitative,
  • Genre is Categorical,
  • Keywords are Categorical,
  • Original Title is Categorical,
  • Popularity is Quantitative,
  • Production Companies is Categorical,
  • Production Countries is Categorical,
  • Release Date is Ordinal,
  • Revenue is Quantitative,
  • Runtime is Quantitative,
  • Tagline is Categorical,
  • Vote Average is Quantitative,
  • Vote Count is Quantitative.

Removed Attributes:

  • URL link to homepage for movie
  • ID of the movie
  • Original Language of the movie
  • spoken languages
  • status of the movie

Tasks and Questions:

  • Is there a correlation between length or style of Tagline, and popularity of a movie?
  • What is the most popular Genre for movies, and how do the Genres evolve over time?
  • Are there certain Production Compaines that always make the most popular films, and does that change over time?
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