A program that loads and parses some [CSV] about different brands of chocolate and ranks them.
Authored by: Tyler Reiser
Link to original Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/rtatman/chocolate-bar-ratings
Link to Gist: https://gist.github.com/T-Reiser/c679b4f9972a429fb6900e5bb303f730
Rehash of Gist README.md:
- Company (Name of the company manufacturing the bar) is Categorical
- Specific (The specific geo-region of origin for the bar) is Categorical,
- REF (A value linked to when the review was entered in the database. Higher = more recent) is Ordinal,
- ReviewDate (Date of publication of the review) is Ordinal,
- CocoaPercent (Cocoa percentage (darkness) of the chocolate bar being reviewed )is Quantitative,
- CompanyLocation (Manufacturer base country) is Categorical,
- Rating (Expert rating for the bar) is Quantitative,
- BeanType (The variety (breed) of bean used, if provided) is Categorical,
- Bean Origin (The broad geo-region of origin for the bean) is Categorical.
Removed Attributes:
Tasks and Questions:
- Is there a Locality in the world that consistently produces the best chocolate?
- Is the Cacao % directly related to the quality of the chocolate?
- Is there a specific Cacao bean that is used in the highest ranking Chocolate?