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Loading and Parsing eu_vaccinations.csv

Daniel Ribaudo

Last edited Sep 28, 2021
Created on Sep 07, 2021

A program that loads and parses some [CSV].

Authored by: Daniel Ribaudo

The data comes from this Gist: EU Vaccinations

Rehash of Gist README.md:

This dataset was taken from: European Vaccinations

This dataset summarizes COVID-19 Vaccine doses recieved in Europe in 2021.


  • YearWeekISO: The week that the instance took place over. This is good to visualize over time.
  • FirstDose: An occurance of a person recieving the first dose.
  • FirstDoseRefused: An occurance of a person refusing to recieve the first dose.
  • SecondDose: An occurance of a person recieving the second dose.
  • UnknownDose: A dose recieved that fits in none of the previous dose categories.
  • NumberDosesRecieved: Total doses recieved.
  • Population: The population of the country. This can be used to scale or weight other numbers.
  • ReportingCountry: The country that reported the instance. This can be placed on a map and colored relative to other locations.
  • TargetGroup: This is the age range of the group receiving a vaccine. I find this particularly interesting because it will allow questions to be asked about discrepencies between age groups, including time vaccinated and total vaccinated.
  • Vaccine: The type of vaccine recieved. This is also very interesting, as perhaps this will be informed by public opinion or distribution availability.

Removed Attributes:

  • Denominator: The meaning of this attribute was unclear, but more importantly, missing for many of the instances.

Tasks and Questions:

  • In which time period did the most people get vaccinated?
  • When was the most popular vaccination for young adults vs older adults?
  • How did public opinion and/or vaccine distribution shift for each of the vaccine types through time?
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