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Heart-failure-prediction Scatter Plot

Sree Likhith

Last edited Feb 13, 2024
Created on Jan 28, 2024

A scatter plot with D3 showing the heart-failure-prediction

The plot shows a wide distribution of maximum heart rates across different ages.


  • The x-axis represents 'Age' in years.
  • The y-axis represents 'MaxHR' (Maximum Heart Rate) in beats per minute (bpm).

Data Points (Circles):

  • Each circle on the plot represents an individual from the dataset.
  • The position of a circle is determined by the individual's age (along the x-axis) and their maximum heart rate (along the y-axis).


  • By looking at the scatter plot, you can observe how maximum heart rate varies with age among the individuals in the dataset.
  • The majority of the data points seem to be clustered between the ages of about 40 to 70 years.
  • There are some potential outliers, such as individuals with very high or very low maximum heart rates for their age group.
  • The varying opacity of the circles indicates overplotting; where data points overlap, the circles appear darker. This suggests that in the densest areas, many individuals have similar age and maximum heart rate values.
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