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D3 Scatter Plot for Video Game Sales


Last edited Nov 04, 2021
Created on Sep 29, 2021

A vanilla HTML implementation of a D3 scatter plot. Shows the (https://gist.github.com/Rochelle-Wu/4e7515233d56de364f848f91ae25101d).

The X-axis is year

The Y-axis is the data of global sales

The color: Wii is blue, PS is yellow, XBOX360 is red, PS2 is green, PS3 is pink, 3DS is orange, PS4 is brown, PC is purple, GEN is teal, NES is navy, DS is darkred, N64 is grey, XB is cyan, GB is lightblue, GBA is darkgrey, SNES is darkgreen, GC is salmon, PSP is seagreen, other is black

The data comes from https://www.kaggle.com/gregorut/videogamesales

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