This project visualizes car crash data categorized by different passenger configurations. The data includes the total number of accidents, as well as the breakdown into lethal and non-lethal accidents.
Data Format The data should be provided in a CSV file named CarCrashByPassengers.csv with the following format:
accidents by passenger categories, sum of accidents, lethal, non-lethal
only drivers, x, x, x
only passengers, x, x, x
only pedestrians, x, x, x
pedestrians and passengers, x, x, x
drivers and passengers, x, x, x
drivers and pedestrians, x, x, x
drivers, pedestrians, passengers, x, x, x
CSV file is a modified csv file from
index.html: Contains the structure of the webpage, including
the SVG element where the visualization will be rendered and
the legend for the color-coded bars.
script.js: Contains the D3.js code to generate the bar chart
The bar chart displays bars grouped by the type of passenger category. Each group contains three bars representing the sum of accidents, lethal accidents, and non-lethal accidents.
Sum of Accidents: Cyan (#48d1cc)
Lethal Accidents: Crimson (crimson)
Non-Lethal Accidents: Purple (#9370db)
The x-axis displays the passenger categories.
The y-axis shows the number of accidents.