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Last edited Apr 09, 2024
Created on Mar 20, 2024

The data I used for making this datavis was downloaded from USGS.gov.

This dataset contains the infomation of the earthquakes with magnitude of more than 4.5 in the past 7 days. The purpose of using this dataviz is to examine what are the factors that affect the accuracy of the reported events.

The color of the lines were based on the depth of the earthquakes:
PINK: Shallow: depth < 70km
ORANGE: Intermediate: 70km <= depth < 300km
BLUE: Deep: depth >= 300km

Description of the x-axis labels:

depth - Depth of the event in kilometers.
mag - The magnitude for the event.
mgType - The method or algorithm used to calculate the preferred magnitude for the event.
depthError - Uncertainty of reported depth of the event in kilometers.
dmin - Horizontal distance from the epicenter to the nearest station (in degrees). 1 degree is approximately 111.2 kilometers.
magError - Uncertainty of reported magnitude of the event.
magNst - The total number of seismic stations used to calculate the magnitude for this earthquake.
nst - The total number of seismic stations used to determine earthquake location.
horizontalError - Uncertainty of reported location of the event in kilometers.
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  • In general, smaller dmin gives more reliable calculated depth. However this plot indicates no straightforward relationship in between dmin and depthError.
  • The higher magNst, the lower magError.
  • The higher nst, the lower error in all reported depth, magnitude, and location.
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