This data transformation singles out all of the data with a tree coverage threshold of 30%, which is the default for most analysis. It then compares the tree coverage in 2000 and 2010 in area, given in hectares, and then as a percentage of the total country area. Lastly, the difference in both area and percentage between 2010 and 2000 is calculated.
This dataset details the change in tree cover across the globe between 2000 and 2021 for different countries. It was taken from satellite data by Hansen et. al (2013) with changing data collection methodology after this year. For this dataset, questions I would be interested in investigating include: are there differences in deforestation in different areas of the globe? Can these differences be related to economic status? Can they be related to starting forest density? What areas show reforestation?
From the data coversheet: "This data set includes tree cover extent, aboveground live woody biomass (AGB) stocks and densities, annual tree cover loss, annual forest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, average annual forest CO2 removals (sequestration), and average annual net GHG flux at the country and first (state, province) sub-national levels.
The attributes of the dataset are:
Column No. | Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
1 | country | Categorical | Country |
2 | threshold | Ordinal | Percent canopy cover level in 2000 |
3 | area_ha | Quantitative | Country Area |
4 | extent_2000_ha | Quantitative | Forest extent in 2000 |
5 | extent_2010_ha | Quantitative | Forest extent in 2010 |
6 | gain_2000-2012_ha | Quantitative | Forest gain between 2000 and 2012 |
7-27 | tc_loss_ha_year | Quantitative | Tree cover loss per in specified year |
All data given in hectares.