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USA Leading Causes of Death Dataset

Ian Wright

Last edited Sep 08, 2024
Created on Sep 02, 2024

`The NCHS - Leading Causes of Death: United States.

This data contains the leading causes of death in the US by year, both with the raw number of deaths and adjusted by age.

Note: The CSV data was slightly modified (adding "_"s to field names instead of spaces/dashes) to make parsing easier.


  • I want to understand how the leading death causes vary by state
  • I want to understand how the age-adjusted death rate correlates with total deaths geographically
  • I want to see how the leading death cause has changed over time
  • I want to see how the age-adjusted death rate correlates to deaths with different death causes
  • I want to see how the total number of deaths across all regions has changed over time
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