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Last edited Sep 12, 2024
Created on Sep 05, 2024

Social Media Users Dataset

This dataset contains detailed information about social media users, including their demographic details, interests, and geographical locations. The data can be used for analyzing user demographics, identifying patterns in user interests, and performing location-based insights on social media behavior.

Dataset Overview

The dataset includes the following columns:

  • UserID: A unique identifier for each user.
  • Name: The full name of the user.
  • Gender: The gender of the user (Male/Female).
  • DOB: The date of birth of the user.
  • Interests: A list of the user’s interests, ranging from hobbies to more specific areas of interest.
  • City: The city where the user resides.
  • Country: The country where the user resides.

Example Rows

UserID Name Gender DOB Interests City Country
1 Jesse Lawhorn Female 1958-10-15 'Movies', 'Fashion', 'Books' Sibolga Indonesia
2 Stacy Payne Female 2004-07-21 'Gaming', 'Finance', 'Outdoor activities' Al Abyār Libya
3 Katrina Nicewander Female 2000-02-07 'DIY


  • I want to analyze which interests are most common among male and female users.
  • I want to see the age distribution of social media users to understand which age groups are most active.
  • I want to understand the geographic spread of users across countries or cities to see where the majority of users reside
  • I want to compare the interests of users across different cities or countries to see if geographic location influences user behavior and preferences.
  • Finally, I want to cluster users based on their interests to identify potential interest groups or communities.
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