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Dataset 3 - Auto-mpg

Yiyi Wu

Last edited Sep 11, 2024
Created on Sep 09, 2024

The Auto-mpg Dataset, loaded and parsed as CSV.


  • Analyze the Relationship Between MPG and Car Attributes
  • Compare fuel efficiency across cars from different origins
  • Identify Outliers in Car Performance
  • how fuel efficiency has changed over time (across decades or model years)
  • Group cars based on attributes like weight, horsepower, and MPG to identify distinct car segments

Dataset Introduction

The data is technical spec of cars. The dataset is downloaded from UCI Machine Learning Repository

Dataset Description

  • mpg: continuous
  • cylinders: multi-valued discrete
  • displacement: continuous
  • horsepower: continuous
  • weight: continuous
  • acceleration: continuous
  • model year: multi-valued discrete
  • origin: multi-valued discrete
  • car name: string (unique for each instance)
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