
Massachusetts crime count by community


Last edited Sep 18, 2019
Created on Sep 15, 2019

A visualization constructed using the vega-lite-api.

Question related with this dataset

  1. geo distribution of crime in map?
  2. any crime type difference in city, suburban, and rural
  3. what are the top 5 crime/population in massachusetts?

I try to implement a visual to show 2.
the orignal dataset structure did not support, I have to unpivot I tried to use function of vega lite. but found there is a pivot function, but unpivot is not support yet. I end up unpivoting it in excel and load to the gist.

since rural area has very few record, while city has much more record, I have to use log scale to show rural. This might not a best options to show. Since the height may be distorted during to log scale. 100% stack column chart can show proportion better.

I forked Curran's normalized stack chart and modify a bit. see here.

This clearly indicated rural area has more burglary and property crime, probably due to few people.

dateset intro is here

Gist is from here

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