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v8 - Boston Crash Map


Last edited Nov 22, 2024
Created on Nov 22, 2024


The data I propose to visualize for my project is from a Boston Crash Dataset. This Dataset is pulled from data.boston.gov, provided as part of the Vision Zero Boston program, contains records of the date, time, location, and type of crash for incidents requiring public safety response which may involve injuries or fatalities. All records are compiled by the Department of Innovation and Technology from the City's Computer-Aided Dispatch (911) system and verified as having required a response from a public safety agency. To protect the privacy of individuals involved in these incidents, we do not indicate the severity of specific crashes or whether medical care was provided in any specific case.

I want to understand the geographic distribution of crashes. I want to understand how crashes have changed of time (time of day, time of week, time of year, year-after-year, etc.) I want to identify subsets of the data where crashes have a high value. I want to identify crash rates for location types. I want to identify crash rates for mode/vehicle type.


4 - Adding Boston GEOJSON data!

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