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Who launched the most rocket in each decade


Last edited Sep 20, 2020
Created on Sep 14, 2020

A visualization constructed using the vega-lite-api.

The data shown here comes from Kaggle: All Space Missions from 1957, via Gist: Space Missions Dataset (From 1957)

We can clearly seen by this chart that RVSN USSR launched many rockets till 1992 which makes Russia the most developed country in space mission in that period. After that period VKS RF plays the same role as RVSN USSR in Russia and keeps leading the world's space field. In recent decade we can see that CASC and ULA launche many rockets which indicates that the space strength of China and the US are increasing these years. Also, the SpaceX launches many rockets recently and we can know that this is a sign that commercial spacecraft will play an important role in the future.

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