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Scatterplot of CDC Dataset describing Age (in Years) vs. Weight (in Pounds) for Males and Females

This visualization is a scatterplot of age vs. weight distinguised by gender from the CDC Dataset.

Based on the last iteration that I forked (https://vizhub.com/ridhimasaxena/ce31146b95a5497d96ec57e0670ff732), this iteration made the following changes:

  1. Reorganized the code into several files by adding AxisBottom.js, AxisLeft.js, bundle.js, index.js, Marks.js, and useData.js
  2. Added axes titles and a Title to the Graph to the visualization
  3. Added opacity/transparency to the plot
  4. Added color to the scatterplot and a color legend
  5. Introduced react to better construct the plot
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