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Collapsible Tree Hierarchy - Real Data

Quinn Sebso

Last edited May 09, 2024
Created on May 08, 2024

This is a Hierarchy Tree of Medical data

Some questions that I want to answer are... (can't be done yet)

  • Given some disease, what other diseases are related?
  • What are some of the biggest groups of treatment types?
  • Is the MeSH tree balanced, or are some subtrees bigger/smaller than others?

Somethings that I am working on include are...

  • Getting another set of data that will hold information on
    • How much has something been studied
    • Outcomes of differnt procedures
    • Side effects and results

Things I know are wrong and need to be fixed are...

  • Correctly change the information div such that is does not cover the tree and moves with the height changes
  • Some parent nodes have been created such that child nodes can be acsessed and create long single link chains
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