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Parse BFS_national_by_month_2004-2021.csv

Peter Cordone

Last edited Sep 07, 2021
Created on Sep 07, 2021

What has the trend in business formation (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/bfs/about.html) over time by NAICS sector https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/economic-census/guidance/understanding-naics.html been since the early 2000's? In particular, what has business formation been like for manufacturing companies in comparison to other sectors? Neoliberal economic policy has shifted manufacturing away from the United States to automation and authoritarian and corrupted countries with cheaper labor costs with consequences like the most recent supply chain problems due to COVID-19.

Attributes that are interesting are:

  • val is the business formation rate and is quantitative
  • category is the corresponding text for the NAICS code and is categorical
  • period is the month and year the data is reported and I consider this to be ordinal. It may make sense to aggregate the data into quarters.
  • geoid is categorical and right now the value US since the data is nationally. If I include the data at the state level, it exceeded the 10,000 row limit of the assignment. I thought I would start with visualizing the data at the national level and then look into incorporating it at the the state level with aggregating it by quarter to make the number of rows more manageable.


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