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Top 100 universities in the world (QS Ranking)


Last edited Sep 11, 2024
Created on Aug 31, 2024


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It contains the top 100 universities in the world, 2024 according to QS Rankings 2024 edition. QS Rankings is s a portfolio of comparative college and university rankings compiled by Quacquarelli Symonds, a higher education analytics firm.


  • rank (integer): Ranking of the university acc. to QS ranking.
  • university (String): The name of the university.
  • overall score (float): Overall score calculated from other features.
  • academic reputation (float): Academic reputation of the university.
  • employer reputation (float): Employer reputation of the university.
  • faculty student ratio (float): Faculty student ratio is calculated by dividing the number of Faculty figure by the Students figure validated by QS.
  • citations per faculty (float): For citations per faculty, QS takes the total number of citations received by all papers produced by an institution across five years by the number of faculty members at that institution.
  • international faculty ratio (float): The number of faculty staff who contribute to academic teaching or research or both at a university for a minimum period of at least three months and who are of foreign nationality as a proportion of overall faculty staff.
  • international students ratio (float): The total number of undergraduate and postgraduate students who are foreign nationals and who spend at least three months at your university as a proportion of the total number of undergraduate students and postgraduate students overall.
  • international research network (float): IRN Index = L / ln(P), where In(P) is the natural logarithm of the distinct count of international partners (higher education institutions) and L is the distinct count of international countries/territories represented by them.
  • employement outcomes (float): Employment Outcomes = Alumni Impact Index adjusted * ln(Graduate Employment Index).
  • sustainability (float): The sustainable education indicator looks at alumni outcomes and academic reputation within earth, marine and environmental sciences courses, and the availability of courses that embed climate science and/or sustainability within the curriculum.

Data Source:

The data was scraped from the QS Ranking report 2024 .

To know more about the indicators, refer to QS Rankings support

Dataset Source:



  • I want to observe trends between "academic_reputation" and "employment_outcomes" scores, as well as any possible outliers or extremes

  • I want to understand the geographic distribution of "sustainability" scores by looking at where each “university” entry is located.

  • I want to be able to see the distribution of "faculty_student_ratio" scores for each "university".

  • I want to study the correlation between "citations_per_faculty" and "international_research_network" scores for all "university" entries.

  • I want to summarize trends, outliers and features between "academic_reputation" and "employer_reputation" scores for all "university" entries.

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