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2023 Global Country Development & Prosperity Index


Last edited Sep 11, 2024
Created on Aug 31, 2024


This dataset has been parsed and loaded as a CSV file.

It contains detailed rankings and indicators from the 2023 Legatum Prosperity Index, assessing and ranking countries based on various dimensions of prosperity and development.


The indicators cover aspects such as:

  • Country: The name of the country.
  • AveragScore: The overall average score of the country across all indicators.
  • SafetySecurity: Freedom from conflict, terrorism, and crime.
  • PersonelFreedom: Rights to speech, assembly, and individual autonomy.
  • Governance: Quality of democracy, rule of law, and government effectiveness.
  • SocialCapital: Strength of personal relationships and civic engagement.
  • InvestmentEnvironment: Conditions for private investment and credit access.
  • EnterpriseConditions: Business environment and market competition.
  • MarketAccessInfrastructure: Ease of trade and quality of infrastructure.
  • EconomicQuality: Macroeconomic stability and employment quality.
  • LivingConditions: Standard of living and access to basic services.
  • Health: Population health and healthcare access.
  • Education: Quality and accessibility of education.
  • NaturalEnvironment: Environmental quality and sustainability.

Data source:

The data is sourced from the 2023 Legatum Prosperity Index available at prosperity.com/rankings

Dataset source:



  • I want to understand what are the trends, if any, between "SocialCapital" and "PersonelFreedom" scores?

  • I want to identify the geographic distribution of the lowest scoring "Health" countries.

  • I want to visualize possible outliers between "AverageScore" and "LivingConditions" scores.

  • I want to summarize the relationship between "SafetySecurity" and "PersonelFreedom" scores economic quality?

  • I want to compare the relationship between "NaturalEnvironment" and "Education" scores for different geographic locations.

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